Monday, July 04, 2005

Ooooh! Aaaaah!

Hmmm. Were there pre-visit fashion-coordinating phone calls?

We spent a fabulous weekend at the cottage for the holiday. We got off to a great start Saturday when our good friends the Keeleys came over. Our dinner featured animal flesh grilled to perfection (if I do say so myself), and the rest of the evening (including the Holland firework display) was marked by great conversation – funny and insightful and polite (in contrast to some conversations in which our children are the primary participants). It’s a mark of a good party when the good-byes take a long time, and on the way home you think of a handful of conversation paths not followed. And you think of them not with regret, but anticipation of the next get-together. This happens all the time with the Keeleys.

Sunset Fireworks

The best things too oooh and aaaah over were nature’s wonders on Sunday. After hearing my mom preach at church, we spent the rest of the day on the beach. Deb and I have often said that in the summer when the sun is shining bright, the and the water is relatively warm, there is no place on the planet more beautiful than Lake Michigan. Of course, given our weather, this concatenation of events only occurs once or twice a year. Fortunately, blessedly, Sunday was one of those days.

Sparkles on the water

Sparkles Near the Water

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