Friday, September 15, 2006

A Lived-Out Parable

Whoever said the Bible's agricultural metaphors are out of place in our post-modern world?


Phil Smith said...

So, you managed to get out of taking down that tree for a whole year with that scripture.

Hmm, so maybe I don't need to fix the wiring around here, something about darkness. Must find concordance....


Mary said...

Uh, Ron? I don't think fig trees are SUPPOSED to bear fruit in West Michigan...or were you being metaphorical? Is that a crabapple tree? Cuz those you can just cut down on the basis of the fact that having those little buggers all over the ground is incredible annoying.

Ron Rienstra said...

Nope, Mary - that was an apricot tree. Its cousins, the cherry tree and the backyard apple tree received the same treatment at my hands this weekend. It's a result of the atavistic impuse that comes upon me in the fall.

Mary said...

Word for the day: "atavistic."