How did this happen? How did we move from our house in G.R. to a
smaller place in L.A., and then return to the original home only to find that all our stuff won't all fit in the house any more? I mean literally, it
won't fit.
I am now in the second week of sorting through stuff and putting those items which we no longer want into a grand give-away pile in the garage. The stuff here isn't crap, it's just, well, to paraphrase the name of a local second-hand store, it's just crap
to us.

Two very nice sets of cross-country skis and boots, for example. Or a "vintage" Sony Walkman, circa 1984. Or a genuine vintage stereo cabinet, circa 1955. We've also got three boxes of theological books I don't want any more (Mary, want any more conversation partners?); a color TV; lots of kitchen, workbench, and babyroom stuff.

Anyone want to lay claim to the lot of it? We're giving it all away for free -- but the catch is that you have to take the
whole pile. No picking and choosing. It's kinda like playing Gin Rummy and picking up a very large discard pile for the sake of a few cards you can genuinely use. If you've ever played, it's actually not a bad strategy...
RR-Totally LOL at this post. What put me over the edge was "Dog Cage: Unused by any dog."
Amazing what schlepping things across the country does to your materialistic tendencies, no?
M. and I are holding a garage sale next Sat. Want in? We could post signs for your stuff at ours, and vice versa. :)
Oh, and NO I don't need any more conversation partners. Especially the entire Barclay. I live next to the library, for Pete's sake.
And you couldn't have realized this before you left LA? I could use some of that stuff (or at least convert it into useless crap sitting around my apartment rather than useless crap sitting around your garage) but I'm not willing to lug it through three time zones.
FYI, the fan is working well... hope I don't have to come back and take everything else...
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