Saturday, November 12, 2005

Eat this Bread

I'm leading worship this Sunday at Bethel CRC. They asked me to preach, guide the musicians, and preside at the Lord's Supper. I'm thrilled to do all of these things -- but a little apprehensive about doing all three in the same service. But it's not about me; and the meal underscores that fundamental fact.

It may be the first time this congregation has had the feast in months and months. Which is sad, because more than any other congregation I have known, it is this one -- with its uncertain future and its conflict issues -- it is this one, made up of two loving communities trying to mesh, one aged and Anglo, the other Latino and lively -- it is this one that is most desperately hungry for what the table offers: death and resurrection, and com-union with each other, the re-membering of the body of Christ.

I'm preaching on Isaiah 55 and just pointing to the table where it's all offered. For free. All you need to do is identify yourself with the target demographic of the first verse's call: Yo! Hungry folks! Come and eat!


Mary said...

Mmm-hmm. Yeh-ess. Aay-MEN.

It's Sat night, Prairie Home Companion is on, and when it's over prayers will be offered for you. May the Spirit attend you and them.

MattyA said...

One of the (many) things I learned at Calvin was how to approach the table with both gravity and joy. I can't think of anything I do on a consistent basis that I take more seriously than the Lord's Supper, but neither can I think of many things I enjoy more. Especially now that I'm in a foreign country sharing the sacrament with people I can barely talk to (maybe I should take my Hungarian lessons a little more seriously!), the bond it gives me with the church across time and space is so incredibly important. Lots of people influenced me in this (my Dad and his catechism class, Pastor Mary, Chip Andrus, and Ari Griffeon, to name a few), but none more than you and Dr. Witvliet. I don't think I'll ever forget our little closing service on Iona. It is, to date, the only time I've ever made communion bread - another interesting experience. I guess what I'm trying to say, in my own verbose way, is thanks.