Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Not to Gloat or Anything...


Anonymous said...

People in Michigan value diversity in all aspects of their lives, including weather . . . I wish there was a way to type sarcastically.

Mary said...

I was actually considering a post for my blog titled, "The Weather Sucks." But you've done a fine job of pointing that out without the mild cussing.

Out here on the lake it's windy and cold and little ice crystals hit my face this morning while I walked Meli.

The Weather Sucks. Any jobs out there I could apply for?!

Bob K said...

I'm enjoying wearing my fleece while you're still stuck in short sleeves. Plus, driving isn't boring anymore - lots of adventure.

Mary said...

Okay, Ron, you are a big fat liar: YOU ARE SO GLOATING! I'm looking at SNOW falling, SNOW on the ground, SNOW on the trees, and had to dig out my gloves, hats, and boots last night. I'm moving to California. Move over, Valley Boy!