Monday, December 05, 2005

Dining In the 'Ville

At the invitation of my good friend Chip Andrus, I'm spending most of this week in Louisville as a special consultant for the PC(USA). I'm part of a brainstorming group -- our job is to discern, develop, and then disseminate resources to help the church worship well.

As expected, our first night was one of convivial bread-breaking at a fabulous downtown restaurant. Not knowing what to do with myself in such high class surroundings, I ordered Mac & Cheese for the appetizer. It came with truffles, Berkshire bacon, and dried apple. Yummy! And the tenderloin steak that was the main course came with the fanciest dang tater-tot I ever did see. Yee haw! Hope I get me some grits tomorrow for breakfast!


Phil Smith said...

So, instead of being 2500 miles away, you are 90 miles away, and not even a call? "Yee-Haw" indeed.

What was the name of this fancy-pants restaurant downtown, anyway? BTW, a traditional Louisville meal is a "hot brown", if you are still in town.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooo, are you in major trouble, Mr. Ron. I can't believe you are so close and didn't tell us. When do you have to leave? It's not inconceivable that we could drive over there, ya know. Deb drove two hours through LA traffic when I was in So Cal some weeks back, and we had a great time. You should let us return the favor. Ooooo, but you are in trouble, trouble, trouble.

Jana, echoing Phil's displeasure

Ron Rienstra said...

Confiteor Deo omnipotenti et vobis, fratres (et Jana), quia peccavi nimis cogitatione, verbo, opere et omissione: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.